
The Rose: Criterion Collection

June 18, 2015

Originally titled Pearl, The Rose (1979) was initially conceived as a biopic about singer Janis Joplin (Pearl was the name of her last album). However, when her family refused the rights to her story, the producers fictionalized Joplin’s life enough... 

The Martin Scorsese Film Collection

August 10, 2005

Martin Scorsese is one of the world’s greatest filmmakers living today. At first, this may seem like so much over-inflated hype, and to be sure, he would be the first to avoid this title, but think, for a moment, about a handful of the films this... 

When Will I Be Loved

August 4, 2005

James Toback is a filmmaker that polarizes critics and audiences alike. He has been called a brave and daring filmmaker willing to take chances and also a pretentious hack. His new film, When Will I Be Loved (2004), will not bring these two sides together... 
