Bones: Season 1
December 8, 2006
CSI and its various offspring continue to garner strong ratings on television as people are fascinated with how the authorities use state-of-the-art technology to solve crimes. The latest incarnation is Bones, a T.V. show that takes the CSI template and...
The Crow: Wicked Prayer
December 1, 2005
The Crow franchise has gotten progressively worse since its first installment back in 1994. So much so that this latest effort has gone directly to video despite the presence of name stars like Edward Furlong, Tara Reid and Dennis Hopper. The template...
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season 7
June 14, 2005
The last season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer was a bittersweet affair. Sarah Michelle Gellar made it known that she had grown tired of playing Buffy and wanted to move on—presumably to motion pictures (which is exactly what she did with Scooby Doo 2...
Angel: Season 5
February 21, 2005
The cruel irony of the fifth season of Angel is that not only was it the best season, it was also the last. After Buffy the Vampire Slayer went off the air, several of its writers started working on episodes for Angel. The difference was apparent right...
Angel: Season 4
January 29, 2005
Spin-off shows from other, more successful TV programs almost never succeed. For every Frasier there are many more Watching Ellies or After MASH. Angel is one of those rare examples of a success: five seasons of high quality episodes with a world and...
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season 3 Box Set
October 20, 2003
First off, if you’re not a fan, you should be. This is one of the defining TV shows of our generation. Second off, the DVDs are half the price in the US that they are in dear old Blighty. Drawback: We’re almost on season 6 but they’ve...
Angel: Season 1 Box Set
August 29, 2003
Angel, the spin off from Buffy The Vampire Slayer gets its first DVD release in a feature packed six DVD box-set. How does it compare to its parent series, and what sort of treatment has the DVD received from the good people at Fox? The first series of...
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 4
May 17, 2003
The occult cult that is Buffy the Vampire Slayer reaches its fourth season on DVD, and this time they follow the lead set by Angel season 2 and give us the widescreen version. If you’re new to Buffy be warned, this does contain spoilers. Season...
Angel: Season 2 Box Set
May 12, 2003
As Angel season three currently dominates our airwaves in what is Angel’s darkest and best season to date, season two is released on DVD to remind us of what went before. Season two was the last to feature the Buffy crossover episodes before the...
Buffy the Vampire Slayer – The Best of Buffy
June 6, 2002
Buffy fans will appreciate these new DVDs that showcase selected episodes featuring our favourite characters. Diehard fans will probably already own the full boxsets, but if you haven’t been able to afford a whole season, or are a new devotee to...