Thief: Criterion Collection
January 30, 2014
The best thieves in the United States operated independent crews working high-line jobs from the 1940s to the 1970s. Most of them came out of Chicago, in particular, a neighborhood known as the Patch. Meeting these people would prove vital to the creation...
You Kill Me
October 22, 2007
In the 1990s, director John Dahl was the go-to guy for clever, neo noirs with Red Rock West (1992) and The Last Seduction (1994). After thoroughly mining the genre the only direction left for him was comedy and this results in his latest crime film, You...
September 20, 2007
I think I’ve lost count how many different DVD incarnations there of Michael Mann’s film, Manhunter (1986). Anchor Bay released a superb Limited Edition Director’s Cut and then one without many of the extras. Then, they released a Michael Mann’s...
Get Shorty: Collector’s Edition
August 12, 2005
After Pulp Fiction (1994), John Travolta could do anything he wanted. Quentin Tarantino told him to do Get Shorty (1995) even after the actor passed on it several times. QT was a big fan of Elmore Leonard’s novels and knew that the actor’s talents...
Out of Sight: Collector’s Edition
December 16, 2004
“It’s like seeing someone for the first time. You can be passing on the street and you look at each other and for a few seconds there’s this kind of recognition. Like you both know something, and the next moment the person’s gone....
Crime Story
November 17, 2003
Fresh from the success of Miami Vice in the mid-1980’s, Michael Mann used his powerful clout to produce a new TV show entitled, Crime Story. It was a pet project that he developed with good friend, Chuck Adamson. Like Vice, Crime Story was a cop...