
Brooklyn’s Finest

July 7, 2010

Brooklyn’s Finest (2009) was seen as a comeback of sorts for Wesley Snipes who had been wandering the wilderness of direct-to-video fare and had not enjoyed a serious theatrical release since Blade: Trinity (2004). Unfortunately, this film wasn’t... 

Traffic: Criterion Collection

March 13, 2006

By the time he made Traffic (2000), Steven Soderbergh was at the zenith of his popularity having just come off the crowd pleaser, yet socially conscious Erin Brockovich (2000), with an even more powerful critique on a problem that plagues the United States... 


February 1, 2006

Thanks to a canny marketing campaign and a star-studded cast, Crash (2004) was a hot topic, must-see movie when it came out in theatres earlier this year. Like Steve Soderbergh’s Traffic (2000), Crash addresses a major problem that continues to plague... 

Ocean’s Twelve

September 30, 2005

With big budget, star-studded casts like the one in Ocean’s Twelve (2004), there is always the danger of having them look too smug and self-indulgent instead of having fun along with the audience. Ocean’s Eleven (2001) managed to straddle this line... 

The United States of Leland

January 31, 2005

The United States of Leland (2003) is a disturbing trip into the mind of a troubled young man named Leland Fitzgerald (Gosling). This 15-year old boy is in juvenile hall for killing the mentally handicapped kid brother of his girlfriend, Becky (Malone).... 

Out of Sight: Collector’s Edition

December 16, 2004

“It’s like seeing someone for the first time. You can be passing on the street and you look at each other and for a few seconds there’s this kind of recognition. Like you both know something, and the next moment the person’s gone.... 
