
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button: Criterion Collection

May 4, 2009

For years now, the Academy Award has eluded David Fincher despite the consistently good work that he has produced. Films like Seven (1995) and Fight Club (1999) were too extreme for the play-it-safe Academy voters and The Game (1997) and Panic Room (2002)... 

Mirrors: Unrated

February 17, 2009

When Alexandre Aja burst on the scene with a clever little French horror film called High Tension (2003), he was almost immediately heralded by some as injecting a foul breath of new air into the horror genre which had become safe and predictable. He... 


December 18, 2007

Novelist and comic book writer Neil Gaiman hasn’t had much success with getting his work adapted into films. Terry Gilliam has been trying to get Good Omens made for years and Hollywood has been circling his most famous creation, Sandman, for some time.... 

Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels: Locked ‘N Loaded Director’s Cut

October 20, 2006

Guy Ritchie burst on the scene with Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (1998) as England’s answer to Quentin Tarantino, only funnier. Like his American counterpart, Ritchie took movie characters and put everyday conversations into their mouths with... 

Transporter 2

April 2, 2006

Ex-Special Forces man Frank Martin is back for more impromptu violence with household objects as the little boy he looks after is abducted by nasty men with accents. There’s a certain appeal about both the Transporter films and their leading man,... 

From Hell

June 12, 2003

We question the wisdom of giving Daz a film about Jack the Ripper, someone he has followed and idolised for years. We decided what the hell, let’s treat it as an experiment and see what he does. For some reason I’ve always had an interest... 

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

February 21, 2002

Based on the excellent graphic novel of the same name, by Alan Moore and Kevin O’Neill, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen is a beautiful looking mess of a movie. To anyone who has read the comic book, the film bears only a passing resemblance. The... 
