
Star Trek: Motion Picture Trilogy

May 26, 2009

To coincide with J.J. Abrams rebooting of the Star Trek franchise, Paramount has re-released Star Trek II through IV in a box set with brand new extras that are geared towards new fans generated from the latest film. These three films were already given... 

Transformers: The Movie: 20th Anniversary Special Edition

November 17, 2006

For those of us who grew up watching the Transformers cartoon every day after school in the early 1980s, the movie came as quite a shock. Most of us, at that early, impressionable age, were unprepared for the much darker tone and the increased level of... 

Transformers: The Movie Reconstructed

February 20, 2006

Transformers fans rejoice! The movie has been released for the third time on region 2 dvd, but this time it’s different. It’s a new version of the movie boasting 5.1 dolby sound and more visible picture than has ever been seen before and a... 

Star Trek: The Original Series Season 1

February 20, 2005

In 1966, Sci-Fi was still a developing genre and the world had not yet seen the spectacular imagery of ‘Star Wars’. Drawing on the likes of Buck Rogers, Flash Gordon, Lost In Space and The Twilight Zone, Gene Roddenberry created one of the... 

Transformers: The Movie Collectors Edition

May 2, 2003

It seems like we’ve waited forever for this, an eternity almost, and now it’s finally here. But is it worth the wait? We were hopeful for widescreen, by some online retailers such as Blackstar and Play247 we were promised widescreen but it... 
