The Big Lebowski: Limited Edition
August 11, 2011
It started with a rug that “really tied the room together” and how a simple case of mistaken identity can cause a whole lot of trouble. The Big Lebowski (1998) was just too odd for mainstream audiences and underperformed at the box office. However,...
Dylan Dog: Dead of Night
July 27, 2011
It isn’t easy successfully blending comedy with horror. Aside from a few notable exceptions (like Re-Animator, Evil Dead II, Braindead, and Slither), most efforts tend to have too many laughs and not enough scares so that the end result has only the...
January 31, 2007
A man (Caviezel) wearing a jean jacket wakes up in a locked warehouse to find an unconscious man (Pantoliano) tied to a chair, another unconscious man (Sisto) hanging from an overhead walkway by a handcuffed arm and another man (Kinnear) lying out cold...
Nacho Libre
November 3, 2006
Mexican professional wrestling (or Lucha libre as it is known) is the subject of Jared Hess’ (of Napoleon Dynamite fame) new film, Nacho Libre (2006). The sport started in the early 1900s and was mainly a regional phenomenon until wrestlers were brought...
Prison Break: Season 1
August 7, 2006
The opening of the Prison Break television show is something right out of a Sam Fuller movie. A non-descript man gets an extensive tattoo on his body and then proceeds to rob a bank with the sole purpose of getting arrested. He pleads no contest and is...
The Brothers Grimm
February 23, 2006
The past few years have been tough for Terry Gilliam. Amidst several false starts, including, most famously, the aborted attempt to make The Man Who Killed Don Quixote (as documented in Lost in La Mancha), the veteran filmmaker was desperate to make a...
The Big Lebowski: Collector’s Edition
February 6, 2006
It started with a rug that “really tied the room together” and how a simple case of mistaken identity can cause a whole lot of trouble. The Big Lebowski (1998) was just too odd for mainstream audiences and promptly tanked at the box office. However,...
Constantine: Deluxe Edition
December 3, 2005
Constantine (2005) marks the feature film debut of music video director Francis Lawrence who, judging by the look of this movie, would like to follow in the footsteps of David Fincher. For his first time out, Lawrence takes on the daunting task of adapting...
The Big Lebowski
December 31, 2004
After the darkly surreal, snow swept landscapes of the Minnesota, depicted in Fargo (1996), the Coen brothers wisely opted for a different locale and tone with bright, comedic vibe of The Big Lebowski (1998). The film was just too odd for mainstream audiences...