Wiseguy: The Collector’s Edition
March 30, 2010
Along with Crime Story, Wiseguy was one of the earliest attempts at creating multi-episode story arcs on American network television during the 1980s. Up until that point, conventional wisdom was to have stand-alone episodes, that way a show could easily...
CSI: Season 5.2
June 26, 2006
CSI, Crime Scene Investigation is a popular American TV series that has swept across the world spawning many spin offs, video games, comics, novels and heaps of other merchandise, just like many other American shows such as Buffy, X-Files, 24 etc…...
CSI: Season 5.1
April 20, 2006
CSI, Crime Scene Investigation is a popular American TV series that has swept across the world spawning many spin offs, video games, comics, novels and heaps of other merchandise, just like many other American shows such as Buffy, X-Files, 24 etc…...
C.S.I.: Grave Danger
February 3, 2006
CSI, Crime Scene Investigation is a popular American TV series that has swept across the world spawning many spin offs, video games, comics, novels and heaps of other merchandise, just like many other American shows such as Buffy, X-Files, 24 etc…...
C.S.I.: Crime Scene Investigation: Season 4
December 6, 2005
There’s a scene in Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle where the girls arrive at a murder scene and promptly discover the whereabouts of the killer by the taste of his sex-wax residue. It’s a direct nod (or homage if you want to get French)...
Predator 2: Special Edition
October 11, 2005
Want some candy? Ah yes, the early nineties: those were the days. The bigger the hero’s gun, the cooler he was. No worrying about offending people about terrorism as you went about blowing up everything that moved, or how the focus groups would...
Die Hard 5 Star Collection
May 1, 2003
The greatest action movie of all time. To give Die Hard to the general action movie watching public is something of a waste. You might as well give them cheap wine instead of Don Perignon, a shops own brand cheese instead of French Brie and Lazenby instead...