
Bright Angel

November 15, 2011

The 1990’s was a time when up and coming actors like Dermot Mulroney and Lili Taylor really came into their own, appearing in notable independent films like Living in Oblivion (1995) and The Addiction (1995) respectively. Some of these films connected... 

Days of Heaven: Criterion Collection

October 12, 2007

In retrospect, Days of Heaven (1978) can be seen as a transitional film for its director, Terrence Malick, whose first film, Badlands (1973), was a fictionalized account of Charles Starkweather, a young man who went on a killing spree with his teenage... 


January 17, 2007

Considering the two movie stars that headline this project, it is somewhat surprising that 20th Century Fox decided to quietly release Bandidas (2006) straight to video in North America. While Salma Hayek is not the box office draw she once was, her co-star... 

Baby Boom / Mr. Mom (Double Feature)

May 4, 2006

Just in time for Mother’s Day comes a repackaged double feature about the “joys” of motherhood, specifically the highs and lows of child-rearing from the female and male perspectives. Both of these films, made during the 1980s, are also fascinating... 

Black Hawk Down

May 25, 2003

For the sake of uncle Sam, baseball and all things American Daz unfolds his Stars and Stripes flag, cuts himself a large slice of apple pie and settles down with Black Hawk Down. God bless America. With a film produced by Jerry Bruckheimer (The Rock,... 

The Right Stuff

May 1, 2002

When The Right Stuff came out in 1983 it was a big hit with critics but failed to get off the launch pad with audiences. The film disappeared off of almost everyone’s radar for the next ten years, only appearing semi-regularly on cable movie channels.... 
