Amazing Stories: The Complete First Season
August 1, 2006
At the height of his mid-1980s fame, Steven Spielberg parlayed his clout to convince Universal Studios to back a weekly anthology show on network television that would be called Amazing Stories (named from the pulp fiction magazine of the same name) and...
Enemy of the State: Unrated Extended Edition
May 16, 2006
Back when Enemy of the State came out in 1998, some of the events depicted and some of the technology that was used seemed unthinkable. After all, one of the main plot points is the United States government trying to pass legislation that would allow...
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season 3 Box Set
October 20, 2003
First off, if you’re not a fan, you should be. This is one of the defining TV shows of our generation. Second off, the DVDs are half the price in the US that they are in dear old Blighty. Drawback: We’re almost on season 6 but they’ve...
Angel: Season 1 Box Set
August 29, 2003
Angel, the spin off from Buffy The Vampire Slayer gets its first DVD release in a feature packed six DVD box-set. How does it compare to its parent series, and what sort of treatment has the DVD received from the good people at Fox? The first series of...
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 4
May 17, 2003
The occult cult that is Buffy the Vampire Slayer reaches its fourth season on DVD, and this time they follow the lead set by Angel season 2 and give us the widescreen version. If you’re new to Buffy be warned, this does contain spoilers. Season...