

September 8, 2009

It’s somehow hard to pin down exactly what Outlander was supposed to be, or what it eventually turned out as. The film has whiffs of McTiernan’s Predator, Disney’s Dragon Slayer (don’t get confused by the Disney thing, not a typical Disney movie)... 

Art School Confidential

November 14, 2006

Daniel Clowes made the successful transition from the comic book page to the big screen with an adaptation of his graphic novel Ghost World in 2000. It was an excellent example of all the right elements coming together at the right time. Clowes is back... 


May 21, 2005

Making a film based upon a successful television show from the sixties isn’t a new concept as we have already had ‘The Avengers’ ‘Lost in Space’ and ‘Charlie’s Angels’, but the most eagerly anticipated big screen update is that based upon... 

Underworld: The Unrated Extended Cut

December 21, 2003

Underworld (2003) is a comic book movie in search of a comic book. It is not actually adapted from an existing one but it looks and sounds like it could be and, more obviously, influenced by other movies. Like many big budget studio offerings, it is written... 
