
Interview with Simon Phillips

February 7, 2012

 Interview with Simon Phillips

To mark yesterday’s release of ‘How to Stop Being a Loser’ on DVD, WhatDVD.Net caught up with one of the stars of the film, British actor Simon Phillips. Gill Critchley spoke to Simon about his experiences making the movie, as well as his acting... 

Interview with Dominic Burns

February 3, 2012

 Interview with Dominic Burns

As the Britiish comedy How to Stop Being a Loser is released in the UK on DVD next Monday, February 6th, we caught up with the film’s director, Dominic Burns. WhatDVD.Net’s Gill Critchley spoke with Dominic about the film, the cast, and about his... 

Interview with Gemma Atkinson

February 3, 2012

 Interview with Gemma Atkinson

To mark the release of ‘How to Stop Being a Loser’ on DVD on Monday, WhatDVD.Net caught up with one of the stars of the film, Gemma Atkinson. Gill Critchley spoke to Gemma about her experiences on the movie, and dating in general. Gill: I watched... 
