
Dr. Strangelove, or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb: Criterion Collection

July 7, 2016

 Dr. Strangelove, or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb: Criterion Collection

With the rather turbulent times in which we live in and the current state of the warring political parties in the United States, Stanley Kubrick’s savage black comedy about nuclear war, Dr. Strangelove, or: How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love... 

Overlord: Criterion Collection

May 20, 2014

 Overlord: Criterion Collection

Stuart Cooper’s Overlord (1975) is proof that you can make an epic movie about World War II with very little money. His film depicts one man’s journey from basic training to D-Day. He did this by blending archival war footage from the Imperial War... 

Throne of Blood: Criterion Collection

January 23, 2014

 Throne of Blood: Criterion Collection

Using Shakespeare’s Macbeth as his jumping off point, Akira Kurosawa’s Throne of Blood (1957) takes a fascinating look at the chaotic swirl of turmoil and treachery that was feudal Japan. The play dealt with notions of civil disorder and battles for... 

To Be Or Not To Be: Criterion Collection

September 5, 2013

 To Be Or Not To Be: Criterion Collection

Released on the eve of the United States entering World War II, To Be or Not To Be (1942) was scorned by critics and underperformed with movie-going audiences of the day. Perhaps the razor-sharp satire that saw popular comedian Jack Benny up against Nazis... 

The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp: Criterion Collection

April 2, 2013

 The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp: Criterion Collection

Considered by many to be one of the best British films ever made, The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp (1943) is undeniably Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger’s masterpiece – a sprawling epic that spans four decades, from the Boer War through World... 

4 Movie Collection: Drama

November 15, 2012

 4 Movie Collection: Drama

The Last Detail (1973) continued a fantastic run of films for Jack Nicholson in the 1970s. Armed with Robert Towne’s brilliantly profane screenplay and Hal Ashby’s assured direction, Nicholson delivered a memorable performance as “Badass” Buddusky,... 

The Four Feathers: Criterion Collection

October 18, 2011

 The Four Feathers: Criterion Collection

Based on A.E.W. Mason’s 1902 best-selling novel of the same name, The Four Feathers was adapted into three different films before producer Alexander Korda gave it a go in 1939. In addition, it was filmed three more times afterwards but many consider... 

Platoon: 25th Anniversary

May 24, 2011

 Platoon: 25th Anniversary

While Platoon (1986) was certainly not the first film about the Vietnam War, it was one of the first to focus on the average foot soldier in an honest and authentic way. Oliver Stone’s film really put you in the jungle with these guys as only someone... 

The Way Back

April 19, 2011

 The Way Back

Has it really been seven years since Peter Weir released a film? For fans of his work, the arrival of a new film has been long overdue and eager anticipated. Sadly, the kinds of films he makes are no longer what Hollywood is interesting in backing and... 

Paths of Glory: Criterion Collection

October 29, 2010

 Paths of Glory: Criterion Collection

The subject of war was one that fascinated Stanley Kubrick for much of his career. His first film, Fear and Desire (1953), was an allegorical war picture and with Dr. Strangelove (1964), he made a scathingly satirical anti-war film. Full Metal Jacket... 

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